Guidance advice
QQI does not provide career guidance and its information resources do not contain guidance advice. Our recommendation at all times is that you access professional guidance whether at school or elsewhere.
Not sure where to turn?
Let's face it - it can be hard figuring out which course or career might suit you best. But it's also completely normal. That is why we recommend asking a professional for advice, guidance and help in evaluating your strengths, interests and options – that's what they're there for!
If you are at school, talk to your guidance counsellor.
If you are an adult or have left school, talk to a further education and training guidance counsellor.
If already in higher education, talk to your career services in your college.
You can also contact the Institute of Guidance Counsellors, the national association for guidance professionals in Ireland for a listing of private professionals.
The following sites and resources, which include online tools to self-assess and evaluate yourself, may also be useful:
- Further education and training guidance
- Guidance Professional & Teachers Community - |
- Knowing Yourself - Knowing Yourself |
- Strong Interest Inventory® | Career test (
- Online Career Assessment Service for Secondary Schools (
- Free personality test, type descriptions, relationship and career advice | 16Personalities
- National Learning Network (REHAB)
- Learners -