What are Joint Tertiary Degrees? And how can they help?
A Joint Tertiary Degree is a joint further and higher education degree programme. It provides guaranteed access, subject to passing exams, to a degree programme that starts in further education and concludes in higher education. Also, you do not need to apply through the CAO for a tertiary degree course.
Students commence their third level experience in further education with the Education and Training Board but will complete the remainder in higher education colleges. It varies from 1 to 2 years studying in the Further Education & Training College, depending on the course.
Applying for a Joint Tertiary Degree is simple: you can apply directly through the course information page of the HEA website. Alternatively, you can get in touch with the appropriate contact person detailed in the course information section. Applications will be accepted through the course page on the NTO website from February 1st until late September.
Do I need the same leaving certificate points as I would need for CAO entry? The short answer is no: you do not need the same leaving certificate points. However, different course programmes have different entry requirements where students may be required to submit proof from other agencies to show you are eligible and meet the entry requirements for the course you are applying for. Please refer to the course information section in the course page of our website for these details. The course provider will be able to advise you of any additional paperwork which is required for your application. The contact details for the course coordinator can be found in the course page.
For additional useful information, please refer to the following: