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Arts International

Higher Education CAO

Arts (International) includes a year abroad at one of our partner institutions in Europe, the United States, Canada, South America or Asia, and is open to language and non-language students.

Award Name Degree - Honours Bachelor (Level 8 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body National University of Ireland
NFQ Level Level 8 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Degree - Honours Bachelor (Level 8 NFQ) Major National University of Ireland Level 8 NFQ
Course Provider:
Cork City
Attendance Options:
Daytime, Full time
Qualification Letters:
BA (Hons)
Apply to:
CAO Points Round 1
Year Points
2024 400
2023 400
2022 452
2021 440


4 Years full-time.

Specific Subjects or course requirements

Leaving Certificate Entry Requirements
At least six subjects must be presented. Minimum grade H5 in two subjects and minimum grade O6/H7 in four other subjects. English and Irish are requirements for all programmes unless the applicant is exempt from Irish. Applicants will need to meet the following minimum entry requirements:

English O6/H7
Irish O6/H7
Other Language O6/H7

Additional Requirements
There are further subject-specific requirements for subjects on offer through the BA in Arts. You can find out details on subject-specific entry requirements in the Academic Programme Catalogue.

Portuguese (Group 1)
If you wish to take Beginners' Portuguese, you must have obtained a minimum H4 in the Leaving Certificate Examination (or equivalent) in another modern continental language, or Irish, Latin, or Greek.

German (Group 3)
Students wishing to select German Non Beginners should have a minimum grade H4 in German in the Leaving Certificate Examination (or equivalent). Students wishing to take German (Beginners) are recommended to have a minimum of grade H3 in another modern continental language, or Irish, or Latin, or Greek, in the Leaving Certificate Examination (or equivalent). Students will be accepted to the Beginners group only if they have no prior German, or if they have reached a level no higher than Junior Certificate German.

Mathematical Studies (Group 3)
From 2025/26 students will be required to achieve a minimum H4 in Mathematics in the Leaving Certificate or equivalent.

French (Group 4)
A Student will not normally be allowed to select French unless they have attained a pass standard in French in the Leaving Certificate Examination (or equivalent).

Béaloideas (Group 5)
Students wishing to select Béaloideas should normally have a minimum grade H4 in Irish in the Leaving Certificate examination (or equivalent). Lectures are through the medium of Irish.

Italian (Group 6a)
Students wishing to take Beginners’ Italian are recommended to have a minimum of grade H4 in another modern continental language, or Irish, or Latin, or Greek in the Leaving Certificate examination (or equivalent). Students wishing to take Non-Beginners’ Italian are recommended to have a minimum of grade H4 in Italian in the Leaving Certificate examination (or equivalent).

Spanish (Group 6b)
Students wishing to take Beginners’ Spanish must have obtained a minimum grade H4 in the Leaving Certificate (or equivalent) in another modern continental language, or Irish, Latin or Greek OR evidence of competence equivalent to Grade H4 in a foreign language other than Spanish. Students who have studied Spanish at second level and obtained a grade below H4 can also join the Beginners’ Spanish course. Students wishing to take Non-Beginners’ Spanish must have obtained a minimum Grade H4 in Spanish in the Leaving Certificate examination (or equivalent).

Leaving Certificate Vocational Progamme LCVP

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) Link Modules
UCC awards the following points to the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme Link Modules:

Distinction 66 points
Merit 46 points
Pass 28 points

While Link Modules are counted for point scoring purposes they may not be counted as one of the six subjects to satisfy minimum entry requirements.

QQI FET Applicants General Information

Approximate Available Places QQI/FET 9

QQI FET General Information Link

QQI FET Entry Requirements

Careers / Further progression

Skills and Careers Information
Adjusting to life in another country and its university system is a crucial formative experience for anyone. You will gain enhanced independence and maturity and you will demonstrate commitment and adaptability to future employers.

When you spend time in another country you also have a greater cultural awareness than those who don't. As with all BA degrees, employers are more interested in academic results and transferable skills than in which particular subjects were studied.

Course Web Page

Further information

Approximate Available Places 13

Find out about the mature entry requirements at

Approximate Available Places Overall 135

Entry 2025

Early online application (discounted): Fee €30 Closing Date: 20 January 2025 at 5pm

Normal online application: Fee €45 Closing Date: 1 February 2025 at 5pm

Late online application - restrictions apply (see page 3 2025 CAO Handbook): Fee: €60 Closing Date: 1 May 2025 at 5pm

Change of Mind - restrictions apply (see page 3 2025 CAO Handbook): Fee: Nil Closing Date: 1 July 2025 at 5pm

Be sure to complete any action well in advance of closing dates. You should avoid making an application close to a closing date. No extensions to closing dates will be allowed and all application fees are non-refundable.

Late Applications are those which are received after 5pm on 1 February 2025. The closing date for late applications is 5pm on 1 May 2025, subject to the restrictions listed on page 3 of the 2025 CAO Handbook. The online facility for late applications opens on the 5 March 2025 at 12:00 noon - a fee of €60 applies.

As a CAO applicant you may experience one or more of the following restrictions based on your course choices, your category of application, or restrictions imposed by the HEIs that you wish to apply to. Please read the section on 'Restrictions' on page 3 of the 2025 CAO Handbook carefully. This section includes information on:

General Restrictions
1. Making a late application
2. Making changes to your course choices

Restricted Courses
3. Applying for a restricted course

Mature Applicants
4. Mature applicants

Supplementary Admissions Routes
5. Applying for DARE and/or HEAR

Arts (International) includes a year abroad at one of our partner institutions in Europe, the United States, Canada, South America or Asia, and is open to language and non-language students.

This four-year BA honours degree will give you the opportunity to enhance your learning experience and increase your cultural awareness by living and studying in another country. Students who select a language and opt to spend Year 3 in the country of that language will also be able to demonstrate an increased linguistic ability to prospective employers.

Placement or Study Abroad Information
You will spend one full academic year (September to May) as a registered full-time student at a university abroad. You will partake fully in all lectures, coursework and assignments. You will take examinations at that university and your results will be forwarded to UCC. You can choose in which country and in which of our partner universities in that country you wish to spend Year 3.

You will receive a lot of support in preparing for your year abroad, as well as support from staff at your host university and staff in UCC while on your year abroad. See our Go Abroad with UCC page.

Year 1 Modules: Students select four subjects* in Year 1 from the following, selecting no more than one from each group:
Group Subjects
Group 1 Asian Studies; Computer Science; History; Portuguese
Group 2a* History of Art
Group 2b* Applied Mathematics***; European Studies; Folklore; Gaeilge/Irish; Greek & Roman Civilisation
Group 3 Archaeology; Chinese Studies; German; Latin; Mathematics***; Mathematical Studies; Politics
Group 4 French; Sociology; Studies in Music
Group 5 Economics; English; Greek; Béaloideas; Religions & Global Diversity
Group 6a** Geography; Italian
Group 6b** Celtic Civilisation; Philosophy; Spanish

*Groups 2(a) and 2(b): Students can combine group 2(b) History of Art with any subject from Group 2(a) in First Year only. Students can only study one subject from Group (2a) and 2(b) in Second and Third Year.

**Groups 6(a) and 6(b): Students may not combine Italian with Celtic Civilisation or Philosophy in Second Year. Students may not combine Geography with Celtic Civilisation, Philosophy or Spanish in Second Year.

*** Please note that these subjects will not be available as a subject option to first-year students from September 2025 onwards.

- Year 2 Modules: 60 credits in total, including LL2108 as a 5-credit core module; the remainder of credits are to be taken in two subjects continued from Year 1.

- Year 3 Modules: 60 credits spread between the two subjects continued from Year 2, or equivalent agreed programme of study at a partner university abroad.

- Year 4 Modules: 60 credits spread between the two subjects continued from Year 2.

Mattieu Nivard
+353 (0)21 490 2035

Course Provider:
Cork City
Attendance Options:
Daytime, Full time
Qualification Letters:
BA (Hons)
Apply to:
CAO Points Round 1
Year Points
2024 400
2023 400
2022 452
2021 440