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Religious Education - Primary School - Sligo St. Angela's

Lifelong Learning

This programme aims to contribute to the theological and pedagogical development of qualified primary school teachers and other teachers of children of primary school age and to equip them with the necessary knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes to teach Religious Education within Irish primary schools and for sacramental preparation.

Award Name Special Purpose Certificate (Level 7 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Special Purpose
Awarding Body Atlantic Technological University
NFQ Level Level 7 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Special Purpose Certificate (Level 7 NFQ) Special Purpose Atlantic Technological University Level 7 NFQ
Course Provider:
Sligo Town
Attendance Options:
Blended, Part time
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Course provider
Number of credits:


1 year part-time, blended.

Study Hours
Lectures are pre-recorded and delivered online for students to complete in their own time. There will also be two days of face-to-face lectures. Each 5 credit module holds a total student effort of 100 hours.

On-Campus Attendance
Two days of face-to-face lectures, across the academic year.

Entry Requirements

Applications are welcomed from qualified primary school teachers, or qualified post-primary school teachers who wish to transfer to primary school teaching. In addition, the programme may also be open to parents, sacramental preparation teams and parish catechists who have a specific interest in the area of primary religious education.

Course Web Page

Further information

Total Fees €780

Application closing date for online, flexible, and professional development courses starting in September 2024, is 5pm on Friday, 16th August, 2024.

Who should apply?
This programme is suitable for qualified primary school teachers, parents of primary school children and parish catechists working with children of primary school age. For those who have qualified to teach in a primary school, but have not received a Certificate in Catholic Primary Education, this programme meets the requirement as outlined by the Irish Bishops’ Conference, and allows for career development, especially in the Catholic Primary sector.

Fundamental Theology and Foundational Ethics
Biblical Studies and Biblical Christology
Ecclesiology and Sacramental Theology
RE in the Primary School

Examination & Assessment
100% continuous assessment.


Course Provider:
Sligo Town
Attendance Options:
Blended, Part time
Apply to:
Course provider
Number of credits: