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Nursing & Midwifery - Primary Community & Continuing Care


Enhance your knowledge of and explore a range of issues related to patient care in PCCC settings.

Award Name Minor Certificate (Level 9 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Minor
Awarding Body National University of Ireland
NFQ Level Level 9 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Minor Certificate (Level 9 NFQ) Minor National University of Ireland Level 9 NFQ
St Stephens Green
Attendance Options:
Part time, Online or Distance
Qualification Letters:
Apply to:
Course provider
Number of credits:


6 months

Mode of delivery
Online - Part-time

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for this programme you must:

Hold an NFQ Level 8 qualification. However, applicants who do not hold a Level 8 qualification may still be eligible to join the programme through our supported-entry pathway programme. This is subject to an assessment of prior learning and experience.

Have an active registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland. For non-nursing applicants, you must have an active registration with an appropriate professional body.

Careers / Further progression

Upon the successful completion of this programme, students can progress to a postgraduate diploma.

Course Web Page

Further information

Next start date January 2026

Advance your theoretical knowledge and develop a critical and questioning approach as you explore professional, clinical and managerial issues relevant to practice in Primary Community and Continuing Care (PCCC) settings with RCSI School of Nursing and Midwifery.

Carve out your own learning path by choosing three optional modules most suited to your clinical setting and professional development needs. This programme is delivered part-time via an active blended learning approach including self-directed learning and live online classes approximately once every week.

Further support is provided through the module lead, programme director and regular online drop-in sessions.

This course is a Level 9 award on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications

Suitable for
This programme is designed for healthcare professionals with an interest in working in primary community and continuing care settings.

This programme is assessed through a range of assessment modalities.

This programme will provide you with the skills and knowledge to:

Demonstrate a critical understanding of a comprehensive range of knowledge in the specialist area.

Articulate a critical awareness of the latest evidence-based knowledge in the specialist area.

Demonstrate a range of research and specialist knowledge and skills to the specialist area of clinical practice.

Select from a broad range of specialist skills and knowledge in the specialist area.

Act in a comprehensive and often unpredictable variety of professional and ill-defined contexts in the specialist area.

Take significant responsibility for the work of individuals and groups and lead and initiate activity in the specialist area.

Critically self-evaluate professional and personal learning needs and those of others within their specialist area of practice and link to related continuing professional development requirements.

Present a reflective and questioning approach to specialist practice delivery and exhibit professional application of her/his knowledge in an accountable, responsible and evidence-based manner.

For guidance or further information, please contact

St Stephens Green
Attendance Options:
Part time, Online or Distance
Qualification Letters:
Apply to:
Course provider
Number of credits: