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A World on the Move: Migration and Colonisation from Prehistory to Present

Lifelong Learning

This lecture series will explore the history of human migration from prehistory to the present-day global migration crisis and will examine the social, economic, cultural, religious and political factors that have driven migration.

Course Provider:
Dublin City Centre
Attendance Options:
Evening, Part time
Apply to:
Course provider


This lecture-only module comprises of one lecture per week for eight weeks, spread across two academic terms (16 lectures in total).

Classes will take place on Mondays between 7pm-8pm. The course will take plane on-campus in Trinity, with venue yet to be confirmed. Lectures will be livestreamed but will not be recorded.

Course Web Page

Further information

The course commences in September 2023 and recommences in January 2024.

Full rate: €180 or €100 per term.

Concession rate: €100 or €60 per term.

The concession rate is available to all those retired, over 65s, and those on a government pension / payment plan and the unwaged, including second- and third-level students.

Please check our website in August for updates on enrolment and term dates at:

You may apply online or by telephone as follows:

Online: Register and pay by credit/debit card online after enrolments open at:

By telephone: Text ‘APPLY FOR COURSE’ to +353 (0)87 2572015* and you will receive a call back confirming your registration. The phone will be busy during the application period so responses may be delayed. Please do not call to enroll for this course.

Humans have always been on the move: sometimes by choice as colonisers, traders or travellers, and at other times by necessity, as migrants escaping difficult or dangerous circumstance or seeking better opportunities.

Migration, the movement of people between places, can be voluntary or forced, temporary or permanent, and may be driven by a complex range of economic, social, political, or environmental factors. Colonisation refers to the acquisition of new lands and resources, typically motivated by the desire to acquire new wealth and power, or in the pursuit of religious or ideological goals. It is often accompanied by the subjugation of one group of people by another through military force.

This lecture series will explore the history of human migration from prehistory to the present-day global migration crisis and will examine the social, economic, cultural, religious and political factors that have driven migration. Lectures will cover a wide range of topics including why people migrate, the impact of migration on societies, customs and cultures, the effects of physical changes to the urban and rural landscapes as well as the challenges faced by both migrant and host communities.

Telephone Number +353 (0)1 8968589

Course Provider:
Dublin City Centre
Attendance Options:
Evening, Part time
Apply to:
Course provider