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Exercise & Fitness

Lifelong Learning
DFA2217 5N2668
Award Name Level 5 Component Award (Level 5 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Minor
Awarding Body QQI
NFQ Level Level 5 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Level 5 Component Award (Level 5 NFQ) Minor QQI Level 5 NFQ
Alternate Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
Apply to:
Course provider


12 weeks. Tuesday 6.30pm - 9.30pm.

Further information

To find details of the next start dates/ enrolment for courses view


The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence in a variety of forms of physical exercise, to enable the learner to design, implement and evaluate exercise and fitness programmes in a variety of contexts in line with best practice.

Learning Outcomes:
Learners will be able to:
1. Examine the anatomy and physiology of the systems of the body relevant to fitness and exercise

2. Evaluate the health implications of lifestyle habits and exercise as it applies to the general population

3. Explore an instructor’s duty of care to clients when in an exercise class or in accident and emergency situations

4. Identify the components of sport and health related fitness activities

5. Explore current and developing trends in exercise and fitness

6. Demonstrate a range skills involved in exercise to include; exercise to music, circuit training, flexibility, body conditioning and resistance training as well as some adaptations and progressions

7. Assess, record and track fitness indicators

8. Carry out a selection of field tests to evaluate personal fitness

9. Prepare basic exercise and fitness programmes for the general population based on the underlying theories of exercise to music, circuits, flexibility and resistance training

10. Apply the principles of training to health related fitness

11. Demonstrate good personal technique and the ability to lead a basic exercise and fitness session in different forms of exercise, to include, exercise to music, circuit training, flexibility, body conditioning and resistance training.

5N2668 Exercise & Fitness

t: +353 41 9837105

Alternate Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
Apply to:
Course provider