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English - High School Programme

Lifelong Learning

Our aim is to provide a friendly, warm and welcoming environment for all our students. Ireland is the ideal country to study for an academic year or longer. Ireland has a long distinguished tradition in education with a high level of progression to third level education.

Course Provider:
Dublin 2
Attendance Options:
Daytime, Full time
Apply to:
Course provider

Course Web Page

Further information

For over 30 years MLI International Schools has been welcoming students from all international cultures and backgrounds to Ireland. Our High School Programme is open to students aged 11-18 and we offer an extensive range of schools in Dublin and throughout the country.

Our aim is to provide a friendly, warm and welcoming environment for all our students. Ireland is the ideal country to study for an academic year or longer. Ireland has a long distinguished tradition in education with a high level of progression to third level education.

High School Cycle
There are three main parts to the High School cycle in Ireland. The Junior Cycle, The Transition Year and the Senior Cycle.

Junior Cycle
The Junior Cycle includes first, second and third years and leads to the Junior Certificate Examination (external state examination). Students start the first year of secondary school at the age of 12 having completed two years of pre-primary and six years of primary school.

Junior Certificate subjects
Leaving Certificate subjects

Tel: +353 1 662 7677

Course Provider:
Dublin 2
Attendance Options:
Daytime, Full time
Apply to:
Course provider