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Law & Languages - French or German or Spanish

Open University

Combining law with French, German or Spanish is both stimulating and a smart career move. With this degree you’ll raise your legal awareness and acquire skills of legal analysis and methods.

Award Name Degree - Honours Bachelor at UK Level 6
NFQ Classification
Awarding Body Open University
NFQ Level
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Degree - Honours Bachelor at UK Level 6 Open University
Course Provider:
Dublin City Centre
Attendance Options:
Full time, Part time, Online or Distance
Qualification Letters:
BA (Hons)
Apply to:
Course provider
Number of credits:


How long it takes
Part time – 6 years
Full time – 3 years
Time limit – 16 years

Study method: Distance learning.

How much time do I need?
• Most of our students study part time, completing 60 credits a year.
• This will usually mean studying for 16–18 hours a week.
• The 30-credit beginners’ and intermediate modules in French, German and Spanish, however, are not designed to be studied at the same time.

Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.

However, there’s a choice of starting points in the modern language element – your choice will depend on your current level of confidence and proficiency.

Careers / Further progression

Career relevance
Studying law alongside a modern language opens up many career options in law-related fields, business and finance or international organisations. Your understanding of another language and the cultures that use it is an asset that will be highly valued by employers, and that will widen your opportunities in the international market.

A qualification in law and a language can lead to opportunities in a wide range of areas such as:
• Business and finance.
• Civil service.
• Human resources.
• Paralegal professions.
• Journalism.
• Research.
• Translation and interpreting.
• Editing and publishing.

Please note that this degree does not cover all seven Foundations of Legal Knowledge. If you want to become a barrister in England and Wales or a solicitor or barrister in Northern Ireland, you will need to complete a conversion course before starting your professional training.

Other careers
Employers are keen to utilise the legal awareness that law and languages graduates offer. They value applicants who can communicate well, analyse, evaluate and present ideas and arguments effectively. Developed legal thinking can be a firm basis to move into areas such as the civil service, tax advice or journalism. If you want to work as a translator in your chosen language, this degree will allow you to develop a law specialism.

Many graduate-level jobs are open to graduates of any discipline, particularly in business, finance, management consultancy and the public sector. Some careers may require further study, training and/or work experience beyond your degree. Studying a Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) after this qualification will also give you the option of becoming a barrister or solicitor.

Exploring your options: see 'Course Web Page' link below for further information.

Course Web Page

Further information

Register for this course.
Start dates
• October 2024: Registration closes 05/09/2024
• February 2025: Registration closes 09/01/2025

Credit transfer: apply by 08/08/2024

BA (Honours) Law and Languages
Combining law with French, German or Spanish is both stimulating and a smart career move. You’ll divide your study equally between both subjects. With this degree you’ll raise your legal awareness and acquire skills of legal analysis and methods. The study of a modern language opens doors to other cultures and communities and can provide a key to the global workplace. The name of your degree will reflect your chosen language (e.g. BA (Honours) Law and German).

Key features of the course
• Gives you an understanding of the role of law in society today.
• Provides you with legal awareness and the skills of legal analysis and methods.
• Develops you into a proficient user of your chosen language, reaching level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
• Develops advanced knowledge of the cultures that use your chosen language.
• Improves your competence in intercultural communication.

The law modules in this qualification cover the legal system in England and Wales only, not any other parts of the UK.

This degree has three stages, each comprising 120 credits:
• In Stage 1, you’ll study a 60-credit introductory law module. You’ll choose your language and study two 30-credit language modules.
• Next, in Stage 2, you’ll study two 30-credit law modules and a 60-credit language module in your chosen language.
• Finally, in Stage 3, you’ll study two 30-credit law modules and another 60-credit module in your chosen language.

See 'Course Web Page' link below for more information on modules.

Learning outcomes, teaching and assessment
This qualification develops your learning in four main areas:
• Knowledge and understanding.
• Cognitive skills.
• Practical and professional skills.
• Key skills.

The level and depth of your learning gradually increases as you work through the qualification. You’ll be supported throughout by the OU’s unique style of teaching and assessment – which includes a personal tutor to guide and comment on your work; top quality course texts; elearning resources like podcasts, interactive media and online materials; tutorial groups and community forums.

Tel: +353 1 678 5399
Our advisers are available to take your call Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 17:00, excluding public holidays.

Course Provider:
Dublin City Centre
Attendance Options:
Full time, Part time, Online or Distance
Qualification Letters:
BA (Hons)
Apply to:
Course provider
Number of credits: