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Workforce Planning Process - Carlow / Wicklow / Wexford


This programme is designed to provide a postgraduate qualification in Workforce Planning Process that complements strategic business planning.

Award Name Special Purpose Certificate (Level 9 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Special Purpose
Awarding Body South East Technological University
NFQ Level Level 9 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Special Purpose Certificate (Level 9 NFQ) Special Purpose South East Technological University Level 9 NFQ
Course Provider:
Wexford Town, Carlow Town, Rathnew
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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Course provider
Number of credits:


12 weeks part-time.

Entry Requirements

All applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Lifelong Learning reserves the right to require applicants to attend for an interview to determine their suitability for the course.

Course Web Page

Further information


This programme is designed to provide a postgraduate qualification in Workforce Planning Process that complements strategic business planning. Participants will learn to implement appropriate plans in response to proposed objectives by linking strategic and operational activities and providing a clear line of sight in terms of performance goals and required outcomes.

This is a practice-based programme covering the development of action plans. It considers ‘what’ to do and ‘how’ to do it, through building an integrated workforce planning approach. In doing so, learners will explore how to integrate all HR functions into business planning, including recruitment, appraisals, rewards, and development. Through an applied approach, participants will study the practical models, tools and techniques required to respond to challenges and improve service delivery. This involves analysis and conversion of data into relevant usable information.

The learner will predominately use SETU Carlow’s Virtual Learning Environment to complete all lessons


Develop Integrated Workforce Planning Models – Defining the Plan
Reviewing Options – Business Planning and Mapping Service Changes
Matching Demand and Supply
Operational Activities
Developing an Action Plan
Review: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Planning - Measuring Against Plans
Creating Integrated HR Solutions - Supporting the Plan

Delivery: Carlow, Wexford, Wicklow

Learners will develop knowledge of the following:

External and internal factors/forces affecting workforce planning operations.
Labour market forces, trends, legislative frameworks, and people analytics.
Data, models, and systems that support succession and WFP challenges
People management skills.

They will develop their capabilities in:

Presenting and defending possible operational, tactical plans, methods, and systems to achieve workforce solutions.
Contributing to better attraction, retention, and turnover challenges across an organisation.
Proactive workforce management through gathering, interpreting, and analysing appropriate data relevant to the challenges of succession planning.
Developing operationally appropriate context-based solutions and integrated approaches to the challenges of WFP.
Establishing methods and systems for the dissemination of relevant data to those who can contribute and are affected by the challenges and responses to WFP, alongside the ability to convert data into relevant information.
Developing a systematic understanding of how an equitable approach to WFP impacts on employees and wider society by incorporating the perspectives of all stakeholders.


Course Provider:
Wexford Town, Carlow Town, Rathnew
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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Course provider
Number of credits: