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Yoga for Men

Lifelong Learning
Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening, Online or Distance
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10 weeks. Thursday 7.20pm - 8.20pm.

Course Web Page

Further information

Check out the next start date/enrolment details of evening classes via the college webpage

Maximum of 12 students in face to face classes


Course Description:
More than ever before, finding enjoyable ways to promote your physical and mental well-being is of utmost importance!

Ryan Giggs and Roy Keane both credit yoga as the secret to a prolonged sports career. This class creates a space exclusively for men to explore yoga and reap its benefits without the pressure of being the only man in the class!

- Improve posture and overall strength to stay pain free and keep your back healthy

- Increase mobility and range of motion to prevent injuries
Calm the mind to help you deal with stress and learn tools to promote relaxation

- Improve concentration and increase energy levels

- Build a mindful movement practice you can do anywhere

Specifically for men this course offers a strong body, calm mind and optimum health with improved posture and concentration. Helps promote your physical and mental well-being.

Any injury or health concerns please contact 01 846 0949 Adult Ed Office.

Tutor: Susanne Liiri.

About the Tutor:
Susanne Liiri is a comprehensively trained classical Pilates and Yoga teacher, as well as a Licensed Teacher Trainer for The Pilates Center of Boulder, CO. Her background in professional dance, she is passionate about movement and always inspired how it can truly heal. Susanne has practiced several different styles of yoga from classic Hatha to Astanga and Acro Yoga, finding her preferred style in flowing vinyasa. She is dedicated to meet her clients where they are and focus to help people become pain free, empower them to move better and get stronger as well as more mobile. Susanne often combines different movement types and styles to best benefit the person in front of her and her classes are fun, engaging and informative. She is also the founder of To Move Freely Pilates and Yoga Studio.

Course Format: Please select the correct course code to either attend class face to face with our tutor OR remotely through zoom from home for all classes.

Codes: TH10F = Face to face in class and TH11O = Online remote via zoom.

• Improve core strength
• Increase flexibility and range of motion
• Help you deal with stress management
• Calm the mind
• Increase energy levels
• Tone the body
• Improve concentration
• Prevent disease
• Relaxation
• Meditation

Conditions of Enrolment:
1. Some courses will have restrictions on student numbers.

2. Formation of classes depends on demand.

3. If a class is not formed, fees will be returned or transferred to another class by request.

4. If a class is formed, fees will be strictly non-refundable.

5. Some courses may require students to bring their own materials. See website for guidance on course description, materials to bring to class and materials that can be purchased from tutor.

6. Courses may be subject to change. Should this happen students will be contacted in advance.

7. We will contact students should a course not form.

8. Students under the age of 18 are not eligible to enrol for courses with exception of Yoga for Teens.

9. Students will not be permitted to enter the school building before 7.00pm.

10. Student mobile numbers are requested in the event a class is cancelled or changed so information may be texted to students.

11. Please note our Autumn 2022 classes are subject to the guidance issued by the Government and the HSE. In the event of a major resurgence of COVID-19 or a local lockdown, some courses may switch to remote learning, be postponed or cancelled.

Phone: 01-846 0949 between 9am - 4pm.

Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening, Online or Distance
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