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Business - Research


We are a research-intensive business school, proactively driven to produce groundbreaking research that has vital and immediate real-world application.

Award Name Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body Dublin City University
NFQ Level Level 9 NFQ
Award Name Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body Dublin City University
NFQ Level Level 10 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ) Major Dublin City University Level 9 NFQ
Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ) Major Dublin City University Level 10 NFQ
Course Provider:
Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Attendance Options:
Daytime, Full time, Part time
Qualification Letters:
Apply to:
Course provider

Entry Requirements

To register for a Postgraduate Research programme, a candidate must normally have obtained a primary degree classification equivalent to Lower Second Class Honours or above, from an approved University or an approved equivalent degree-awarding body, or have an approved equivalent professional qualification in an area cognate to the proposed research topic.

PhD: Candidates holding an appropriate Master's degree obtained by research may apply for direct entry to the PhD register to conduct research in a cognate area.

PhD-track: Candidates with a taught Master's degree in an appropriate discipline with first- or second-class honours, and candidates with a primary degree in an appropriate discipline with first- or second-class honours, grade one, may apply and be considered for entry to the PhD-track register with a view to proceeding towards a PhD. Such candidates will undergo a confirmation procedure, as outlined in the Academic Regulations, before being admitted to the PhD register.

Master's by Research: Candidates holding a primary degree equivalent to a second-class honours, grade two, may apply for entry on the research Master's register. Students on the Master's register may apply for transfer to the PhD Register under the same conditions, and using the same procedure, as PhD-track candidates requesting confirmation on the PhD register.

English Language Requirements can be reviewed at:

Applicants are assessed and ranked based on their performance at university, and the details provided on their application. Candidates may be called for interview and/or assessed on the basis of written work/proposed area of research.

Course Web Page

Further information

How to Make an Application

To make an application for commencement of research studies before the end of January 2024, please use the application portal. Before making an application, please ensure you have all appropriate entry requirements and provide all supporting documentation.

Important Note:

1. To make an application for commencement of research studies after the end of January 2024, the link to the application portal will be available in January.

2. Before making a research application, the applicant must consult and seek approval from the School regarding the proposed programme of study. Additional information for research applicants is also available on the DCU Graduate Studies page.

Our research meets head-on the strategic and operational challenges ahead for modern organisations.

We focus intensively on real business world problems. Our strong suite of specialisms, led by dynamic research groups of academics, business specialists, researchers and educators, means we can work across the disciplines to bring practical, multi-dimensional solutions to modern business problems.

We harness the deep academic expertise within our faculty, our very active industry relationships, and the strength of our international partners’ research experience. As a result, we are national leaders in translating research knowledge into tangible benefits for Ireland’s island economy and the Eastern Corridor.

Course Provider:
Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Attendance Options:
Daytime, Full time, Part time
Qualification Letters:
Apply to:
Course provider