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Hospitality Management - Grangegorman

Higher Education Direct Entry

This one-year conversion course provides an opportunity for students who have successfully completed an ordinary degree (level 7 – NFQ) or honours degree (level 8 – NFQ) in a different discipline to attain an honours degree (level 8 – NFQ) equivalent in a further single year of studies. The individual modules run in conjunction with existing modules on our degree courses. The offering of the Higher Diploma in Hospitality Management course further develops the learners’ key skills, their strategic ability and introduces learners to the hospitality management discipline. The three-month industry placement forms an integral part of this course.

Award Name Higher Diploma (Level 8 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body Technological University Dublin
NFQ Level Level 8 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Higher Diploma (Level 8 NFQ) Major Technological University Dublin Level 8 NFQ
Dublin City Centre, Grangegorman
Attendance Options:
Daytime, Full time
Qualification Letters:
Apply to:


1 year Add-on

Entry Requirements

Minimum Entry Requirements?
Minimum ordinary degree (level 7 – NFQ) or honours degree (level 8 – NFQ) in a different discipline or equivalent. Students will be selected on the basis of their academic results. Final selection may involve an interview.

If English is not your first language
Applicants for this course should have a minimum IELTS (Academic Version) English Proficiency of 6 overall (or equivalent) with nothing less than 5.5 in each component.

Careers / Further progression

This course is designed to enable graduates to gain employment in challenging positions within the hotel and restaurant sector with varying degrees of responsibility. Graduates can expect to find employment in management positions in the world’s finest hotels, bars, restaurants, resorts and also overseeing special events and business conventions. There are also graduate opportunities in consultancy, research and further education.

Course Web Page

Further information

Advanced Entry/Add On Course
Applications are under the Advanced Entry category through the CAO.

For further information on how to make an application, please visit our CAO Hub

If you have a query on Advanced Entry email us at
*Apply via Application Weblink above

Year One
Semester 1
Operations Management in Food & Beverage
Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry
Conference Management
International Hospitality Management
Hospitality Law

Semester 2
Front Office Management
Event Management
Strategic Management Seminars
Work-based learning and Placement

Dr. Ralf Burbach
(01) 402 4372

Dublin City Centre, Grangegorman
Attendance Options:
Daytime, Full time
Qualification Letters:
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