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Yoga for those age 50+

Lifelong Learning
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Attendance Options:
Part time, Afternoon, Daytime
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10 weeks. Wednesday 2.00pm - 3.00pm.

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Check out the next start dates / enrolment for courses on the college website under Adult Education


Health benefits of yoga and how it can help you.

If you are new to yoga that’s ok, if you have done yoga previously this class will also suit you.

Yoga is a great way to exercise and stay healthy and is available for anyone whatever your capability and mobility. Yoga is especially important as our bodies age, helping maintain flexibility and muscle strength, as well as keeping our minds focused and sharp.

Yoga is an excellent way to keep flexible, as it stretches and loosens your muscles. This can help you feel less stiff and tired – especially yoga for over 50 – and is very popular with people with arthritis. Tight hips can strain knee joints and tight hamstrings can cause back pain. Regular yoga works all your muscles and may ease pain from tight muscles, as it takes your joints through their full range of motion.

Yoga builds muscle strength
Yoga strengthens and stretches the whole body. While not as strenuous as heavy weight-lifting, yoga builds muscle strength and targets all the muscles, without placing too much stress on specific muscles. Yoga combines both cardio and strength training, lots of yoga poses will strengthen your upper body and nearly all yoga poses build core strength.

Yoga improves posture
As we age, good posture is important to avoid back, neck and other muscle problems. By slumping, your body flattens the normal inward curves in your back which causes pain and may contribute to arthritis of the spine. Yoga poses – especially yoga for the over 50s – are designed to strengthen muscles around the spine and in your core, and when the centre of your body is reinforced, your posture will be improved and overall balance too.

Yoga can help reduce stress We also do relaxation and meditation in the yoga session

Many people over 50 use yoga to help manage stress and as an aid to keeping calm. The practice promotes relaxation and yoga can lower anxiety and fatigue. Focusing your mind on breathing and meditation relaxes you and allows your mind to rid all unnecessary and unwanted thoughts. Breathing techniques can also boost oxygen levels in the body and to the brain. Yoga and mindfulness have also been linked to higher serotonin levels – linked to happiness – encouraging contentment.

About the Tutor:
Kathleen is a fully qualified experienced yoga teacher and holistic health practioner who trained at The Yoga Room, Dublin 4 under the direct instruction of Ireland’s very best renowned yoga teachers. She completed the Teacher Training programme curriculum which follows the international standards of yoga alliance and also has a diploma in anatomy and physiology which really enhances a safe practice for all students in terms of alignment. Kathleen has been involved in yoga for many years now and it was whilst she spent time in India and lived for many years in Japan that deepened her understanding of the incredible depths of yoga. She brings her broad experience of meditation and holistic health to her teaching style which offers a powerful combination of flowing asanas, sequences, alignment, breath work, meditation and relaxation.

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t: 01 8038069
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Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Afternoon, Daytime
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