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Lifelong Learning

This course teaches the location of individual reflexes on each foot and methods of pin-pointing certain reflexes for specific conditions.

Award Name Diploma at UK Level 3
NFQ Classification
Awarding Body International Therapy Examination Council
NFQ Level
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Diploma at UK Level 3 International Therapy Examination Council
Course Provider:
Swords, Harolds Cross
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening, Daytime, Weekend
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Course provider

Entry Requirements

Course Requirements

Each Student Requires
2 Pillows
2 Pillow Cases
2 Towels
A uniform is required for the practical examination:
Black tunic
Black trousers
Black footwear

Recommended Books
An Introductory Guide to Reflexology By Louise Tucker
An Introductory Guide to Anatomy and Physiology (new edition) By Louise Tucker

Course Web Page

Further information

Swords & Harold's Cross

Course Fees
Course Fee: €1,435 + Exam Fee: €115

Total cost: €1550

Standard Payment Plan:

Deposit of €350 – to secure your place on the course
1st Instalment of €600 – due on the first day of the course
2nd Instalment of €600 – due in May
Pay in Full Discount: Pay the balance (after deposit) in full on or before the first day of your course to avail of a €100 discount.

Reflexology Course
Reflexology is a system of working reflexes in the feet and hands which correspond to every organ and gland in the body. It is used to bring about a deep level of relaxation and it is of particular benefit in dealing with congestion.

This course teaches the location of individual reflexes on each foot and methods of pin-pointing certain reflexes for specific conditions.

The theory component includes Anatomy & Physiology, Professional Conduct & Business Awareness and First Aid.

Course Syllabus
History of Reflexology

Reflexology techniques – including loosening and warming up techniques, finger and thumb walking techniques

Sequence of techniques for working reflexes on the feet and hands

Reflexology terminology and definitions – understanding zone theory, guide lines, referral areas and helper areas

Anatomy and Physiology – study of the bones, ligaments and tendons of the foot and hand. Instruction on 12 systems of the body and their corresponding reflexes on the feet and associated pathology

Benefits of Reflexology

Contra-indications to Reflexology

Nutrition – study of the main nutrients – including their functions / uses

Relaxation – Learn how to relax and promote natural healing energy when working with clients

Care of the client – record-keeping, confidentiality and professionalism

Business awareness / professionalism – how to establish & promote your massage business

First Aid

Practical examination

Theory examination:
a) Theory of Reflexology 1hr multiple choice questions
b) Anatomy & Physiology 1hr multiple choice questions*
c) Professional Conduct and Business Awareness 1hr multiple choice questions*

40 case studies

* Students with Anatomy & Physiology and Professional Conduct & Business Awareness qualifications are exempt from b) and c)

Holistic College Dublin results in Reflexology exams
The diploma issued by ITEC will list the graduates overall grade in terms of a pass, credit or distinction. An average of the theory and practical marks is combined to obtain the final grade.

A pass grade is between 60% - 74%, A credit is between 75% - 89% and a distinction is between 90% - 100%.

Percentage of our students achieving each grade to date

Fail Pass Credit Distinction
0% 8% 54% 38%

Certification: Diploma awarded by ITEC.

Recommended Books:
• An Introductory Guide to Reflexology By Louise Tucker
• An Introductory Guide to Anatomy and Physiology (new edition) By Louise Tucker

Each Student Requires
2 Pillows
2 Pillow Cases
2 Towels

A uniform is required for the practical examination:
Black tunic
Black trousers
Black footwear

T: 01 8956337

Course Provider:
Swords, Harolds Cross
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening, Daytime, Weekend
Apply to:
Course provider