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Mindfulness Based Creativity for Stress Reduction

Lifelong Learning
Course Provider:
Cork City
Attendance Options:
Part time, Afternoon, Daytime
Apply to:


10 weeks. Wednesday 2.30pm - 4.30pm.

Further information

To check out the next start date and enrolment for all evening classes go to and follow the link to Adult Education


Our fees are reduced for many pensioners.

Selected courses are free for long term unemployed (written confirmation from Dept. of Social Protection required).

Places will be allocated to earliest applicants and are available by contacting the Adult Education office by email in advance of Friday the 16th of September 2022.

This course will combine Mindfulness practices with different forms of creative expression. Participants will learn various techniques that when combined with Art can be both relaxing and beneficial for using on a daily basis to reduce stress. No Artistic experience required.

Tutor: Roisin Kenny (Mind Body Ireland).

Conditions of Enrolment
1. All Students must enrol BEFORE attending classes

2. Fees are payable on enrolment and receipts issued.

3.Payment can be made by cash, postal order or cheque. Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to Douglas Community School.

4. Class fees are not refundable.

5. Class numbers are limited to ensure a high standard of tuition particularly in practical subjects.

6. Classes are offered subject to sufficient demand existing to form a class.

7. Materials are not included in course fee.

8. In the event of a class not forming all participants will be notified and fees refunded.

9. Those participating in physical exercise classes may need to seek medical advice before classes commence.

Telephone: 085 2645142

Course Provider:
Cork City
Attendance Options:
Part time, Afternoon, Daytime
Apply to: