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Animal Welfare Officer Training (AWO)

RBAI EC 1099 2009

To enable participants comply with EC 1099/2009 by having an understanding of the context of “modern welfare” and formal training in the role, responsibilities and duties of the Animal Welfare Officer (AWO) and to facilitate companies in complying with the Bord Bia welfare requirements of the new Food Processor Quality Assurance Standard (FPS).

Course Provider:
Ashtown, Dublin
Attendance Options:
Part time, Day release
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1 Day

Course Web Page

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In-company training only.

Fee agreed with the client

To enable participants comply with the requirements of regulation EC 1099/2009 by having an understanding of the context of “modern welfare” and formal training in the role, responsibilities and duties of the Animal Welfare Officer (AWO). The course will also focus on meeting the corresponding welfare requirements of the Bord Bia Sustainable Meat Products quality assurance standard.

This course is aimed at designated meat industry personnel with the roles and responsibilities of ‘Animal Welfare Officer’.

A one day Animal Welfare Officer training work shop with a high degree of delegate participation and interaction making use of the principles of accelerated learning.

To enable participants comply with EC 1099/2009 by having an understanding of the context of “modern welfare” and formal training in the role, responsibilities and duties of the Animal Welfare Officer (AWO) and to facilitate companies in complying with the Bord Bia welfare requirements of the new Meat Processors Quality Assurance Standard (MPQAS).

Welfare as it applies in Beef, Pork, Sheep, Equine and Poultry abattoirs

Course Content:
Introduction, History & Drivers of Welfare
Welfare & Rights
The 5 Freedoms
Assessing Welfare
Applicable Legislation (EC1099/2009)
Basic animal behaviour and it’s relevance
Role of Animal Welfare Officer
Duties and Responsibilities of AWO
Bord Bia MPQAS welfare requirements
Meat Quality Issues
Slaughter without prior stunning
Expectations of the competent authority & certification bodies (e.g. Bord Bia)

Kevin Brennan
Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown, Dublin. D15 KN3K
Phone: 01 805 9522

Course Provider:
Ashtown, Dublin
Attendance Options:
Part time, Day release
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