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Anatomy - Structured


Modern Anatomy is about placing function in a structural context and providing adequate spatial and temporal resolution of cellular events.

Award Name Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body National University of Ireland
NFQ Level Level 10 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ) Major National University of Ireland Level 10 NFQ
Course Provider:
Galway City
Attendance Options:
Full time, Part time, Daytime
Qualification Letters:
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Course provider


PhD (Anatomy), full-time
PhD (Anatomy), part-time
MSc (Anatomy), full-time
MSc (Anatomy), part-time

Entry Requirements

PhD candidates should normally have a high honours standard in a relevant academic discipline at primary degree level or equivalent together with the support of an academic staff member who is approved by the College to supervise the research in terms of its nature and scope.

Additional entry requirements
Candidates may be required to submit a research proposal for consideration by the School as part of their application.

Course Web Page

Further information

Fees: EU
€5,750 p.a. (€5,890 including levy) 2024/25
Fees: Non EU
€15,000 p.a. (€15,140 including levy) 2024/25
Extra Information

EU Part time: Year 1 €4,250 p.a. (€4,390 including levy) 2024/25

All students, irrespective of funding, must pay the student levy of €140.

Course Code: PHDS-ANAT

Applications are made online via the NUI Galway Postgraduate Applications System.

Modern Anatomy is about placing function in a structural context and providing adequate spatial and temporal resolution of cellular events.

Postgraduate students will be expected to complete a research project within one of our areas of interest using the extensive range of technologies available in the discipline of Anatomy. Students are required to take a number of taught modules. The Graduate Studies website provides further details on Structured PhD Programmes.

Additionally, it is envisaged that postgraduate students will participate in scientific cross-over with intra-institutional and external laboratories. It is also expected that the PhD students would contribute to teaching activities of the discipline.

Admission to our research programmes requires prior approval of the discipline.
Please contact the discipline administrator to arrange to meet the relevant staff member for informal discussion concerning research degrees.

Anatomy is a key node within the National Biophotonics and Imaging Platform and is part of the Euro-BioImaging network.

Research Areas
Reproductive Biology
Matrix Biology
Chromosome Biology
Cardiovascular Biology
Tissue Engineering
Medical Imaging
Specialised areas of interest

Integrative reproduction: structure / function of human endometrium, environmental endocrine disruption, fetomaternal interface
In vivo and in vitro study of human diseases
Normal and pathological development
Role of the extracellular matrix, of matrix receptors and signalling in vivo
Phenotypic analysis of models
In vitro model systems—cell micropatterning and microfluidics
Biomaterials tissue interactions
Neuroscience: spinal cord development and injury
Cellular responses to DNA damage
Specific contribution to national biophotonics and imaging platform
Education, molecular and cellular imaging, imaging technology cores
Neuroimaging: Understanding the biological basis of mood and anxiety disorders and psychosis

Technologies available

Sampling design; Stereology; Image analysis
Microscopy: Confocal / ambient and low temperature Electron Microscopy
In situ hybridization (at the light and electron microscopical level)
Lectin Histochemistry
Behavioural/phenotypic Characterisation (Organ/cell)
Cell culture models and/or 3D cell culture systems
In vivo and post-mortem human brain imaging using structural and diffusion MRI, advanced MR image analysis such as non-tensor based tractography

Ms. Fidelma Gallen
T +353 91 492 180

Course Provider:
Galway City
Attendance Options:
Full time, Part time, Daytime
Qualification Letters:
Apply to:
Course provider